High Specialisation

High specialisation

At VASS UNIVERSITY, we focus on developing specific skills that provide a differential approach. These competences stand out for two fundamental reasons: there's a great need for expert talent on an international scale and there's a huge career path for people who acquire expertise in them.

Project Management Kata

Looking for an effective way to drive continuous improvement in your team? The Toyota Kata technique could be the answer you are looking for. Developed by Toyota, this methodology has become a benchmark in project management and process improvement.

Toyota Kata is based on the idea that consistent practice of small routines can lead to big results. By encouraging critical thinking, problem solving and controlled experimentation, this technique empowers teams to deal effectively with challenges and achieve higher levels of performance.

In this VASS University session in collaboration with EVERGREENPM we will focus on risk identification, analysis and management. And we will compete between teams through of the Project Risk Board Game.

Some of the main benefits of the Toyota Kata include:

  • Promotes a culture of continuous improvement in the organisation.
  • It facilitates the identification and solution of problems in a systematic way.
  • It encourages innovation and creativity at all levels.
  • Improve communication and collaboration within the team.

Day25 April.

Location: VASS Madrid offices

Adobe Experience Manager

Are you ready to master the creation of web portals with the maximum power in digital experience?

Get ready to enter the world of the Adobe Experience Managerone of the top digital experience platforms on the market today! This course will open the doors to a universe of possibilities.

With our cutting-edge training, you'll become a talented portal developer with the best DXP on the market.

For more information and registrationPlease contact us through the following link or the form at the bottom of this page.


Acquire the fundamental knowledge for the development of portals through the best DXP (digital experience platform) on the market, Adobe Experience ManagerThe course offers the possibility, at the end of the course, to be part of a team of more than 120 high-level professionals in a transnational working environment.

At the end of this training you will have the ability to perform the role of: Back-End Developer o Front-End.


  • Pass our rigorous JAVA or Frontend level assessment. We aim high, we are looking for a qualification above 80%.
  • Speaking the language of success is essential, especially if you are joining a technology company with a presence in 26 countries ... that's why we ask you to have a good level of minimum English B2.
  • But it's not all about technical skills, we're looking for people who can shine as a teamThey have strong communication skills, a willingness to learn and, above all, love what they do.
  • Show your achievements! We want to know your academic successso be prepared with your transcript of records.
  • It doesn't matter where you live. As it is a dynamic On Lineyou can access it comfortably from anywhere.


Estimated total duration of 120 hours:

  • 60 hours of online training
  • 60 hours of practice and final project

From 1 April to 9 May, from Monday to Thursday between 15h and 17h.

If you pass the programme, you will receive a diploma from VASS UNIVERSITY and, above all, the chance to start a brilliant career in the professional world.

The contents are structured in two modules and in Spanish:

COMMON MODULES (20 teaching hours + 20 hours of homework)

  • Repository Management (GIT) Concepts
  • AEM working environment

SPECIALISATION OPTION 1 BACK MODULE (40 teaching hours + 40 hours of homework)

  • What are the components in AEM and how are they constructed?
  • What are templates and how are they created?
  • Creating Servlets
  • Reusable content (Content fragment and Experience fragment)
  • Query debugger + Querys
  • ACS Commons
  • Dictionaries
  • Renditions

SPECIALISATION OPTION 2_ FRONT MODULE (40 teaching hours + 40 hours of homework)

    Apply the following concepts in EMP:
  • HTML5 semantic structure
  • CSS3 Style Sheets
  • SASS/SCSS and LESS style preprocessors
  • Flexible Box Module - Flexbox
  • Bootstrap library, version 4 and 5
  • JavaScript (Vanilla JS, JQuery, JQuery UI, Ajax)


The course, which will offer a maximum of 10 places, has a total price of 800 €.

  • VASS FOUNDATION will provide 10 scholarships covering 100% of the cost of the course.
  • If you have demonstrated the qualities we expect of you during the course, you can join our team! We will make you a professional offer.
  • If, after having passed the course, you are not selected, you will be part of our job bank.

Full Stack International

Since 2016, the American University BOTTEGA, one of the pioneers of online education in the USA, has professionally retrained 40,000 people without previous expertise in programming with this 600-hour asynchronous, bilingual, open-enrolment programme, with unlimited assistance from professional mentors.

The course will allow you to acquire a professional profile suitable for immediate incorporation into any multinational, through a methodology oriented towards employability with a practical approach that will allow you to deploy more than 15 real projects. 

This course provides the necessary knowledge in the use of front-end libraries and frameworks, back-end content management programming for websites, implementation and installation on servers, and execution of SQL queries in databases. Students will be trained in the use of JavaScript, React, Python, MongoDB, SQL Database, Node.js, and other frameworks. 

Consult the scholarship programme and facilities at www.devcamp.es 


There's a growing trend for customers linked to cloud and digital architectures to work with microservices-based solutions. With this 220-hour course you'll learn to develop and deploy in operation microservices solutions and develop a good understanding of the associated technological environment.

Based on the successful on-boarding experience of one of the main VASS units, we provide comprehensive training covering creation, implementation, deployment and scaling, using widely deployed and future-proof tools such as Spring Boot, Spring Cloud and Feign-Rest Template. 

Student will not only learn the theoretical concepts, they will also have the opportunity to apply them in practical, real-life cases, developing their decision making and problem-solving abilities. 

Contact us for more information about the course.

Mobile Development

The massive penetration of smartphones has made their use as a communication and business channel widespread. The VASS Mobile team, with nationally and internationally recognised competences, offers a unique 180-hour online programme that prepares students to face real-world challenges.

Students will be trained in the knowledge of a mobility framework, to face the requirements of real environments, and address typical challenges and scenarios that arise on projects that require high-performance specialist teams. This course provides a broader range of knowledge than existing modules on the market and includes the application of satellite concepts (software architecture, collaborative tools, security, specificities) which are indispensable in the world of work.

Contact us for more information about the course.


The continuous evolution of solutions based on Artificial Intelligence is requiring more and more computational resources and data volumes. In this context, the opportunity arises to make use of the so-called Foundation Fodels (base models) to build a system around a specific challenge, taking advantage of the general performance they offer and adjusting it to the specific tasks required.

This online course of 160 hours will allow students with basic knowledge of AI and professionals (Data Scientists/Machine Learning Engineers/Software Engineers with experience in Machine Learning projects) to acquire a expertise in the efficient implementation of practical AI models, leveraging and reusing already trained resources, data and models under more generalist approaches.  

Contact us for more information about the course.