
VASS FOUNDATION launches the course "APPLIED COMPUTER SECURITY" subsidised by the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sports.

VASS FOUNDATION has been awarded a contract by the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sport to provide a training course for the unemployed in the field of cybersecurity. The course will be entitled "APPLIED COMPUTER SECURITY (300 hours in total).

It will be face-to-face and is to be deployed and completed during 2024. There is 25 places. The course will be free for participants

This course aims to provide students with professional knowledge in Cybersecurity, from basic to more advanced knowledge, such as Hacking, Pentesting, Computer Auditing, Computer Forensics or Governance and Identity Management, so that, once they have completed the course, they can join the IT and Cybersecurity Departments of companies in various sectors and build their professional careers in this field. Students who pass the course will have the professional qualification IFC153_3 ("IT security") 

The training itinerary will consist of SEVEN Training Actions among which attendees will learn commonly accepted general criteria on IT equipment security, from business impact analysis to risk management, including security implementation plan or physical and industrial security of systems.

Interested parties can register via this link


Following the success of the first two editions, with nearly 50 students trained, the next 17 June a new round of the Expert Programme in Application Development with AIVASS UNIVERSITY and QUALENTUM, the employability division of VASS UNIVERSITY, are teaching in collaboration with QUALENTUM. International University of La Rioja. 

Over the course of 20 weeks, a team of expert teachers from INTELYGENZ, the AI division of the VASS ecosystem, will offer a theoretical and practical vision that will allow participants to acquire expert knowledge in this cutting-edge field. 

Throughout the programme, which will end with the development of a practical work, you will acquire skills related to "communication", "productivity", "teamwork", "management", "empathy", and there will be a cross-cutting module on Programming in Python. Relevant and applied issues of AI/Machine Learning; Deep Learning; Foundation models and generative models; and Strategies for designing AI-based solutions in production will be addressed from a novel perspective. According to the programme director, Gabriel Muñoz, Artificial Intelligence Scientist, "the transformation of talent experienced in this programme is radical". 

Regarding the student profile, previous knowledge in areas related to software development is recommended, such as proficiency in programming languages like Python, experience in the use of data analysis and numerical libraries (Numpy, Pyspark...) as well as a solid theoretical understanding in statistics and mathematics. It is also aimed at professionals with experience in the field of Artificial Intelligence, such as data scientists, Machine Learning engineers or software engineers specialised in Machine Learning projects.

Places are limited and the registration process is now open:

VASS University successfully completes its own training in Adobe Experience Manager

In response to the high demand for professionals with Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) skills, one of the world's leading Digital Experience Platforms (DXP)VASS University launched an ambitious and innovative course to provide an accelerated and immersive experience in the use of this powerful tool, allowing participants to be trained in the functions of Back-End or Front-End developers.

After a rigorous selection process, in October and November, the 12 best candidates underwent a comprehensive training programme delivered by VASS expert teams, under a practical approach and an online methodology. which allowed for the participation of people from different geographical backgrounds.

Thanks to the support of the VASS Foundation participants did not have to bear any tuition fees. Their support, together with the dedication of our teachers, allowed them not only to acquire knowledge that is highly valued by the market, but also to then become part of a high-level team of more than 120 professionals. working in an international environment.

Alberto Notario, Service Manager at Digital Business Platform, shares his impressions of the course: "This initiative represents a valuable opportunity for people eager to learn, who aspire to build their way into the cutting-edge technology of web portals. After the demanding selection process, the students demonstrated enthusiasm and a remarkable ability to learn and apply their new knowledge in a systematic way".

In the first few weeks, the selected individuals received comprehensive training covering general platform knowledge, before moving on to a more specialised focus on both back-end and front-end aspects. The admirable dedication and progression of the students reaffirms the success of this programme in developing talent for a rapidly evolving digital environment.

After a month and a half of training, seven students, in addition to obtaining a diploma, were given a permanent contract at VASS.They will be integrated into a high-performance team, working on real projects from day one and growing as professionals.

Daniel Martín López, backend developer, one of the students, comments: "The course exceeded my expectations, providing a deep dive into the technology with exceptional instructors who clarify concepts and address individual questions. While I found some aspects, especially those related to databases, challenging, the convenience and clarity of the system is noteworthy. The course's emphasis on component componentization and reuse in AEM is beneficial for managing multiple projects. The direct relationship between back-end and front-end development, along with the incorporation of Java and component-based frameworks, aligns well with the demands of today's job market, catering to my motivation for joining the programme."

Natalia Blanco Outeiral, frontend developer and another student, says: "The Adobe Experience Manager training exceeded my expectations with professional and attentive instructors. The course content is dynamic and engaging, and I sought this training to expand my frontend development skills with a foundation in AEM. My goal is to build a solid foundation in AEM, given its efficient content management and personalised experience capabilities, crucial in today's competitive digital marketplace. In short, training in AEM not only enhances technical skills, but also has strategic relevance in the competitive digital landscape."

In 2024, we are doubling our commitment to this successful initiative with 2 new courses, The first of which will start in April and for which registrations are already open.

Come on, we are waiting for you! You can register here. The second course will start after the summer.

Second edition - 10 scholarships for the ADOBE EXPERIENCE MANAGER course

At VASS University we want to offer you once again the best training to become an expert in Back-End or Front-End developer Are you ready to enter into the world of Adobe Experience Manager with this course?

From 1 April to 9 May you will be able to access 120 hours of fully online training that will help you to become a professional in portal development.

As in the previous edition, VASS FOUNDATION will provide 10 grants that will cover 100% of the cost800 euros. Once the course has been passed, the student will not only obtain a diploma accredited by VASS UNIVERSITY, but will also have the opportunity to become part of the VASS team.

In case the student does not join VASS, as compensation, the amount charged will be refunded (100% if he/she has obtained an outstanding grade; 50% if he/she has obtained between 5 and 7 points out of 10).

To apply for one of the scholarships or to register for the course, an interview and a level test will be carried out to check that you have a basic knowledge of Java.

12 scholarships for the ADOBE EXPERIENCE MANAGER course

At VASS University we want to offer you the best training to become an expert in the following areas Back-End or Front-End developer Get ready to enter the world of the Adobe Experience Manager with this course!

From 16 October to 21 November you will be able to access 120 hours of fully online training that will help you to become a professional in portal development.

VASS FOUNDATION will provide 12 grants which will cover 100% of the cost800 euros. Once the course has been passed, the student will not only obtain a diploma accredited by VASS UNIVERSITY, but will also have the opportunity to become part of the VASS team.

In case the student does not join VASS, as compensation, the amount charged will be refunded (100% if he/she has obtained an outstanding grade; 50% if he/she has obtained between 5 and 7 points out of 10).

To apply for one of the scholarships or to register for the course, an interview and a level test will be carried out to check that you have a basic knowledge of Java.


VASS UNIVERSTITY offers training from the entire VASS ecosystem, providing our members with a wide range of courses and possibilities for personal and professional development, through learning routes that are shaped as a gymnasium of knowledge.

Our offering aims to keep you up to date and includes training in technology areas of interest, methodologies and frameworks, behavioural skills and languages. 

The VASS UNIVERSITY community is a living community, a meeting place brought to life by the 18 guilds that bring together the interests of people who form informal teams to share concerns around 18 themes such Agile, Cybersecurity, G.O.D.S (Sustainability), Blockchain, Adobe, Front Development, Appian, Liferay, JAVA or VASS Talks.

With the support of our colleagues in VASS' People & Talent department, we're pursuing three main objectives:

  1. To have a global training catalogue accessible to all employees of the VASS Ecosystem in all geographies where we operate. 
  2. Create training itineraries that allow for the continuous improvement of the teams, taking into account the global context of our operations and the specific needs of each business area. 
  3. Develop our training strategy on a digital platform that allows us to offer members of the VASS community anytime / anywhere access.

In the last few months we've been working to provide VASS UNIVERSITY training experiences online, live streamed and face-to-face. 

  • With regard to the online training:
  • We've integrated our People & Talent platform with the Udemy catalogue. 
  • Our internal training is accessible to all employees. 
  • The training we develop in our guilds (technological areas of interest) is up to date and accessible at any time. 

We have all this content accessible at any time and integrated into our People & Talent platform, which allows us to centralise all talent processes in one tool. 

  • In our training sessions that are streamed we want to adapt to the new professional reality by taking advantage of the benefits offered by digitalisation and under the SmartWorking modality. All these training activities are organised through our digital platform which is regularly updated. 
  • We also complement our entire On Line/ Streaming catalogue with Classroom training, particularly by enhancing the development of softskills.

In terms of content, our training strategy is based on the following five pillars: 

  1. IT Training: We promote the development of technical and technological competencies that allow us to train our teams in the latest versions of the technologies most in demand by our clients. 
  2. SoftSkills Training: We offer training that allows us to develop our team management skills, customer service and corporate leadership in line with best practices in the market. 
  3. IT Certifications: We have agreements with the main manufacturers in the market to provide official training for our teams.
  4. Agile Methodologies: Scrum, Kanban, Design Thinking..... This is our to projects and at all levels of the VASS ecosystem. 
  5. Languages: Special focus on English as a required key skill in the new global environment. 

Welcome aboard the VASS UNIVERSITY experience!!!