Web accessibility: Technology without barriers

Did you know that on Thursday World Accessibility Awareness Day is celebrated on 16 May.? This day aims to encourage dialogue, reflection and learning about accessibility in digital technologies.

In this webinar, we will share knowledge on the synergies needed between design and development to ensure that technology to be inclusive and beneficial to all peopleregardless of their capabilities or limitations. Join us to be inspired, learn and reflect on how we can work together to build a more accessible and equitable digital world.

The universal accessibility is the characteristic that environments, processes, goods, products and services, objects and devices must fulfil, so that they can be used and understood by all people in the safest, most comfortable and autonomous way possible. It is fundamental for people with disabilities to live independently, participate in society and have the same opportunities as others.. Accessibility is based on universal design, as defined in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Presented by:

Fernando Cotroneo -Product designer / Design system specialist at NATEEVO, a VASS Company.

Sonia Martínez - UI Development Team Lead at VASS.

Antonio Rueda - Director VASS University